
A Methodology


Leadership enables the success of organisations. Leadership has the intent and potential to mobilise organisations towards their stated goals and strategic objectives. It’s through effective leadership that organisations set sail for their stated financial, cultural, social and other goals.

I was first introduced to the theory on Fellowship by Barbara Kellerman of Harvard Business School several years ago. It made a profound impact on me and is one of the strong symptoms of effective leadership.

One of the areas of leadership less talked about is the notion of “fellowship”.


I once saw a post at a leadership development course that said “Strategy eats Culture”. I remember thinking, no it doesn’t. Without a strong culture you can’t enable your strategy. In regards to culture, without effective leadership you won’t enable or mobilise an organisation towards its intended strategy.

In fact, what’s the point of leadership unless it’s mobilising an organisation towards its strategy and stated goals, whatever they may be. What’s the point of leadership unless it has the intent to improve and enable the right culture and so the cultural impact of leadership needs to be a part of any organisations strategy.

I’m a believer in the discipline of the Strategy on a Page.


I think in many ways governance is the unsung hero of long-term sustainable growth. Too often governance is seen as a hindrance or a “tick the box” exercise to keep boards or regulators at bay. This I believe is a fundamental mistake.

The importance of governance needs to be embedded in an organisation through its leadership and included in its strategic planning.

Leadership + Strategy + Governance = Long-term Sustainable Growth.